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Whispers of Genius Echoes of Madness

The Right Wrong Thing
It’s so interesting… the things we do, the way we justify them, and how perspective clears the jagged edges of our past to shape a smooth...

Life's Ingredients
How would your life be different if you learned to let go of things that have already let go of you? Your life is a blend of the...

Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Plate
“Keep your eyes on your own plate and enjoy your meal!” This was my mom’s repetitive mantra at the dinner table in the late 70’s as she...

Each Day is a Lifetime
The idea of each new day being a birth to new opportunities and a clean slate is not a new one. We often hear about the importance of...

Car Manufacturer
Years ago, I was invited to a car manufacturing and testing facility. This was a facility at which engineers designed and tested several...

You’re Not Rejected - You’re Redirected
We often have a diluted sense of self; we do not see the magnitude of the greatness inside of us. As a result, most people live within...

The Essence of Beauty
There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To...

Sometimes You Have to Lose to Win
Life sure can hit you hard! Suddenly, when you least expect it, WHAM; life has a knack for challenging you in ways that you don’t feel...

Let Mistakes Be What They Are; A Gauge
To step into an empowered state of mind is to gain control over the ability to label events in a manner that strengthens our journey...

Paralysis by Analysis
It’s easy to get caught up in deep analysis of our plans to change our lives. It’s also easy to not realize how we are often paralyzed by...

If Not Now, When?
There are so many beautiful things happening right now. Within all the beauty that radiates in this very moment, amongst all the...

Your Truth and Your Circumstance
Who are you? All too often, we put our attention on things that blind us from the truth of our true self. We lose sight of our position...

Why Not You?
Today, many will awaken with a fresh sense of inspiration. Why not you? Today, many will open their eyes to the beauty that surrounds...

Say "POP!"
We all get to a point in our lives when we need to wake up and snap out of our slump. I use the term, “POP” because it reminds me of a...

It's Your Season
Every few months one season begins to make its elegant exit as another greets us with its refreshing changes. Change is in the air… What...

One Day at a Time
It seems everybody is really busy these days. I understand that at times the stresses of work and family make it easy to lose focus and...

The Ego: A Celebration of You
So many writers and philosophers discuss the ego and often debate whether you should embrace it or “free” yourself from it. But how do we...

G is for Gratitude
I know sometimes it is difficult to be grateful. I know that sometimes it is difficult to be happy. If you’re reading a book that’s...

Create a Masterpiece
Today, you awaken to a day in which you have the power to make and inspire change. In fact, it is the ONLY day in which you have any...

Choosing Happiness
What if you placed fewer conditions on your own happiness? What if you didn’t place destination markers on your own happiness? “I’ll be...
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