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Whispers of Genius Echoes of Madness

Fairytale Relationships
I don’t mind when people tell me that my relationship ideals are a fairytale. If it is a fairytale to be loved, to be respected, to have...

Where it Matters
Being with you today is worth all the broken hearts of yesterday. In a flash, all of the stumbling blocks of relationships gone wrong...

Let's Not Forget
Our love is beyond the confines of time… timeless… shapeless… formless… a beautiful dance between uniquely designed souls… fitting as...

I Love Loving You
You are my favorite song; a rhythm of beauty that captures my spirit. You are my favorite poem; an exquisite grouping of ideas set in...

Batshit Kind of Love
The type of love that can’t be described with words… The type of love that can’t be measured by time… The type of love that inspires...

When we are born, the soul we are given is split apart and half of it is given to someone else. Throughout our lives, we search for the...
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