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Whispers of Genius Echoes of Madness

Fairytale Relationships
I don’t mind when people tell me that my relationship ideals are a fairytale. If it is a fairytale to be loved, to be respected, to have...

Where it Matters
Being with you today is worth all the broken hearts of yesterday. In a flash, all of the stumbling blocks of relationships gone wrong...

When Forever Becomes a Place
Forever is used as a reference of time; but there are not enough days in forever to allow me to fully express the depth of my love for...

Set the Standard
How do you feel when you walk into someone’s house and it looks well-organized and pristinely clean? You immediately feel the need to...

Nourishing Relationships
Relationships challenge us; they always have and always will. There is a constant conflict between the common relationship dynamic and...

Let's Not Forget
Our love is beyond the confines of time… timeless… shapeless… formless… a beautiful dance between uniquely designed souls… fitting as...

I Love Loving You
You are my favorite song; a rhythm of beauty that captures my spirit. You are my favorite poem; an exquisite grouping of ideas set in...

Batshit Kind of Love
The type of love that can’t be described with words… The type of love that can’t be measured by time… The type of love that inspires...

You’re Not Drowning
You are not broken. You are not ugly. You are not unworthy. You are not too short. You are not too tall. You are not the number on a...

Your Whole Life Is Ahead of You
I can’t even count the amount of times an older person has told me, "You've got your whole life ahead of you." Upon hearing these words...

The Journey’s Baggage
I am a people watcher and I travel a lot. At times, this makes for entertainment, aggravation, and even observational learning. On one...

My Own Greatest Hero, My Own Worst Enemy
Your life is a story you’re telling yourself. I like to live each day of my life as if it's a page, a chapter in my life’s story. I get...

Life's Ingredients
How would your life be different if you learned to let go of things that have already let go of you? Your life is a blend of the...

If You Want to Learn How to Live, Hang Out With People Who Are Dying
I have spent many years as a volunteer at veterans’ hospitals; often spending the final days with our brothers and sisters who have...

Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Plate
“Keep your eyes on your own plate and enjoy your meal!” This was my mom’s repetitive mantra at the dinner table in the late 70’s as she...

Happiness in Simplicity
I’m not sure why some people choose to engulf themselves in a drama-filled life, but they do. And for some reason, they feel they should...

Each Day is a Lifetime
The idea of each new day being a birth to new opportunities and a clean slate is not a new one. We often hear about the importance of...

Car Manufacturer
Years ago, I was invited to a car manufacturing and testing facility. This was a facility at which engineers designed and tested several...

You’re Not Rejected - You’re Redirected
We often have a diluted sense of self; we do not see the magnitude of the greatness inside of us. As a result, most people live within...

The Truth about Potentiality
We are beings of infinite potentiality. That sounds wonderful, but what does it mean to have infinitely potential? If we are all so...
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